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The Watersheds Coalition of Ventura County (WCVC) IRWM Region, which encompasses the majority of Ventura County, was formed to serve as the region responsible for IRWM planning and implementation. The WCVC Region has been very successful in bringing diverse interests together to manage water resources on a regional level to address the region’s goals.
A primary motivator for formation of these regions has been the availability of substantial grant funding which leverages local funds for project implementation. The grant funds have resulted in enhanced availability of clean water supplies for the benefit of people and the environment, to protect communities from flood damage, and provide access to water-related recreation opportunities.
The diverse group of stakeholders engaged in integrating water resource planning across multiple sectors, includes (but not limited to): organizations such as water, wastewater and groundwater agencies; environmental non-profits; non-governmental organizations; academic institutions; transportation entities; and local residents. WCVC members have worked collaboratively for nearly 20 years, representing one of the longest-running recognized IRWM Regions in the state. A Memorandum of Understanding among 22 entities provides the funding for the planning efforts. A six-member Steering Committee serves as the leadership element of the governance structure for the Region. For more information about the governance structure and participating stakeholder groups, please visit Section 4 of the IRWM Plan.
The IRWM Plan includes goals, measurable objectives and strategies that reflect integrated planning in the region, balancing water supply, habitat restoration, surface water quality, and flood management priorities. As such, the IRWM Plan represents an integration of multiple planning efforts and documents. Examples include: Salt and Nutrient Management Plans; Stormwater Resources Plan; County Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan; groundwater management plans and groundwater sustainability plans; and local general plans.