No. | Proposition 50 |
1 | Calleguas Regional Salinity Management Pipeline- Hueneme Outfall |
2 | Waterworks District #1 Recycled Water System Phase 2 |
3 | Calleguas Creek Arundo and Tamarisk Removal Project |
4 | Simi Valley Tapo Canyon Water Treatment Plant |
5 | El Rio Forebay Groundwater Contamination Elimination Project |
6 | Oxnard Forebay Groundwater Contamination Elimination Project |
7 | Fillmore Integrated Water Recycling Plant |
8 | Ventura River Watershed Protection Plan |
9 | San Antonio Creek Spreading Grounds Rehabilitation Phase 1 |
10 | Senior Canyon Water Company Automation Upgrades |
11 | Salinity Management Pipeline Phase 1E |
No. | Proposition 84 Round 1 |
R | Ventura County Regional Urban Landscape Efficiency Program |
2 | Waterworks District #1 Recycled Water System Phase 2 |
3 | Calleguas Creek Arundo and Tamarisk Removal Project |
4 | Simi Valley Tapo Canyon Water Treatment Plant |
5 | El Rio Forebay Groundwater Contamination Elimination Project |
6 | Oxnard Forebay Groundwater Contamination Elimination Project |
7 | Fillmore Integrated Water Recycling Plant |
8 | Ventura River Watershed Protection Plan |
9 | San Antonio Creek Spreading Grounds Rehabilitation Phase 1 |
10 | Senior Canyon Water Company Automation Upgrades |
11 | Salinity Management Pipeline Phase 1E |
No. | Proposition 84 Round 2 |
18 | North Pleasant Valley Groundwater Desalter |
19 | Moorpark Recycled Water Distribution System Expansion Phase 4 |
20 | South Oxnard Stormwater Flood Management |
21 | Invasive Plant Removal Santa Clara River |
22 | Ventura River Invasive Plant Removal |
No. | Proposition 84 Drought Round |
R | Ventura County Agricultural Water Use Efficiency Program |
23 | Salinity Management Pipeline Phase 2D |
24 | Camrosa Pleasant Valley Well |
25 | El Rio Retrofits for Groundwater Recharge |
26 | Groundwater Replenishment and Reuse Project |
27 | Lake Casitas Aeration Project |
28 | San Antonio Creek Arundo Removal Project |
No. | Proposition 84 Final Round |
R | Water Wise Incentive Program |
29 | Camrosa Recycled Water Pipeline |
30 | Pleasant Valley Mutual Water Company Desalter |
31 | Moorpark Desalter Phase 1 |
32 | Santa Clara River Steelhead Coalition Restoration |
No. | Proposition 1 |
33 | Calleguas – LVMWD Interconnection |
34 | Reclaimed Water Storage Reservoir |
35 | Los Robles Desalter |
36 | Eastside to Westside Waterline Interconnection Phase 2 |
37 | Iron and Manganese Removal Project Phase 1 |